Muv-Luv Alternative Strike Frontier Wikia

Characters are represented by cards and used along with TSFs to play quests. Each character is characterized by their specific attack power, defense, health points and skill. They can be strengthened to increase their skills and statistics. To view the list of your characters, go to the character screen from the home screen.

Character information[]

From the character screen you can review your characters and their information. You should see a picture like this:


Each of the square with a character picture on it are the characters that you have. Let's look in details at one character. Look at the character with the white circle 3.


You can see at the top-right corner of the square the rarity of the character. In this case it's SSR, the highest rarity. The rarity are as follow: SSR>SR>HR>R>HN>N. The highest the rarity the strongest the card is. Of course it also means rare cards are more difficult to find.


At the bottom right corner you can see the level of the card. The level ranges from 0 to 90. The highest the level, the stronger your card is. The level increases by clearing quests and by strengthening the card (see below). You can increase the max level of the card by using the "limit break" tab. You can see the level and the maximum level of the character near the white circle 8. There is an experience bar below showing how much experience point is needed to level up.


At the left of the white circle 3, there is a lock icon. It means your card is protected and cannot be sold or be used as a material for strengthening or limit break. To lock your card, click on the lock icon near the white circle 7.

Limit break number[]

It refers to the number of times you broke the limit of your character by using the limit break tab. You can see it as the number of small red circles near the white circle 4. In the picture case, there is only one because I only broke the limit of the character one time. See below for more information.


The green text "編成中" indicates that the character is being used in one of your squadron. If this is the case, you cannot sell it or use it as a material.

Let's take a look at the information panel at the right.


The name of the character "御剣冥夜" (Mitsurugi Meiya) is written under the white circle 6. Just at the left of this circle, there is the title of the character. Because there are several cards for one character, characters are also differentiated by their title.


Next to the white circle 9, you can see:

  • The health of the character. The higher, the more damage you can take. The health is represented by a heart.
  • The attack power of the character. The higher, the more damage you do. The attack power is represented by two crossed swords.
  • The defense of the character. The higher, the less damage you take. The defense is represented by a shield.


Affection varies between 0% and 500%. Every 100%, a new heart icon is added. Affection affects what the character is saying to you when they are your secretary and also unlock new story content if the rarity of the card is SR or SSR. To increase affection, playing quest with the character is the only way. See below for more information.


At the right of the white circle 11, you can see the skill level. The higher it is, the stronger your skill is. At the left, you can see the name of the skill and the icon of the skill. A skill is always represented by a arrow. below is the description. See below for more information.


Skills are special abilities that can be activated during battle when the skill bar is full. Skills are characterized by two parameters : the strength of the skill (Very strong, Strong, Medium, Weak) and the effect. The effect of the character's skill is written under their card. Generally the strength of the skill is written at the end of the description of the effect of the skill.

In this page, the "(_)" refers to where the strength of the skill is written. For example, the SSR Meiya (無理鬼道流)'s skill is 自機のATKをアップ(特大). It means " Increase the attack of the character " and very strongly ("特大"). It means Meiya's attack will increase considerably.

Strength of skills[]

Japanese skill strength symbol English translation
特大 Very strong

Skill of pilots[]

Japanese skill description anslation Character example
自機のATKをアップ(_) Increase (_) the attack of the character SSR Meiya (無理鬼道流)
自機のDEFをアップ(_) Increase (_) the defense of the character HR Michiru
自機のHPを回復(_) Regenerate (_) the HP of the character SR Mikoto
味方全員の体力を回復(_) Regenerate (_) the HP of all allies SR Minori
敵のATKを一定時間ダウン(_) Temporary decrease (_) the attack of the enemy target HR Stella
敵のDEFを一定時間ダウン(_) Temporary decrease (_) the defense of the enemy target HR Tarisa
敵に対してダメージ(_)を複数与える Hit (_) several times the enemy target SSR Yui
直線状の攻撃範囲の敵に対してダメージ(_)を与える Hit (_) all enemy targets in front of you SSR Miki
自身の周囲にいる敵全てにダメージ(_)を与える Hit (_) all enemy targets around you SR Marimo

Skill of CP characters[]

Japanese skill description English translation Character example
敵全体のATKを一定時ン(_) Temporary decrease (_) the attack of all enemies SSR Kasumi
味方全員のATKとDEFをアップ(_) Increase (_) the attack and the defense of all allies SSR Haruka
味方全員のATKをアップ(_) Increase (_) temporary the attack of all allies SSR Sumika
味方全員のDEFをアップ(_) Increase (_) temporary the defense of all allies SR Kasumi



You can level up characters by using either characters or items. First, from the character screen go to the strengthening screen by clicking on the strengthening tab (white box 13 of the character screen). Then click on the character you want to upgrade. You should then see the character information at the left. below it there should be a green button. Click it. You will them see something like this :


This screen is what I call the confirmation screen. Clicking on the first tab "Characters" will allow you to sacrifice characters to level up your current character. Clicking on the second tab "Characters" will allow you to use items to level up your character.

If you choose to use characters, click on one of the box 3 "Choose". You then see a screen like this:


You can now select up to 10 characters to use as materials. To do that, just click successively on each character. Note that you cannot:

  • Use locked characters
  • Use characters in a squadron (green text 編成中)
  • Use the character you are upgrading (red text 選択h)

If you choose a character with the same skill as the character you want to strengthen, you might upgrade their skill by 1 but the probability is not 100%. If you choose the same character as the character you want to strengthen, the skill will be upgraded by 1. Characters with same skill are indicated by a yellow text "スキル".

To confirm and proceed to the confirmation screen, click on the green button "OK".

You can see how much experience your character is going to get if you confirm by clicking on the green button on top of the white box "Strengthen". You can also see the cost at the right of white box 5. You can see the gold that you have before the strengthening at the right of the box 4. The green button above the white box 6 will automatically choose the fodder characters according to certain criteria. I'm not going to explain it but you should never use this option. I recommend to select manually each fodder character.

If you want to use items (greatly recommended), click on the tab near the white box 2 "Items" then on one of the empty box and then select your xp boost items. After you are done, confirm.

Whether you use items or characters, you can confirm the strengthening by clicking on the second green button at the bottom.

Gold cost[]

The amount of gold you must pay to upgrade your character depends only by their level before the strengthening and the total number of characters/items used. The formula is as follow:

COST = Base_Level_Cost * Number_Of_Items

The base cost is 100 gold for level 1 character and increase quickly with the level of the character. For this reason, it is greatly recommended to level characters from level 1 to max level in one step!

Limit Break[]


You can increase the max level and affection of a character by breaking their limit. From the character screen, click on the third tab, the one near the white box 14 " Limit Break". Then click on the character you want to limit break and confirm by clicking on "OK". You should then see a screen like this:


To limit break a character, you either need to have the same character or items. You can use another copy of the character by clicking on the first tab above the right square . You can use items by clicking on the second tab above the right square. If you choose to use character, note that:

  • At the left, you can see the character you are going to limit break.
  • At the right, you will see at first an empty square. To limit break the left character, click on this square. You will see a list of the same character if you have any. Click on of them and click the green button "OK".

To validate click on the green button under the right character. Note that limit breaking costs gold. You can see the price at the right.

If you use items, click on the second tab. You should see something like this:


The purple box shows the necessary items to limit break. You can see there are two numbers under each item. The first number is how many items of this kind you have. The second number is how many items of this kind is required to limit break. You also need to pay gold. To confirm and limit break the left character, click on the green button under the purple square.

Gold Cost of limit break[]

The cost (in gold) depends of the rarity of the character and of how many times you broke the limit of the character. It also depends whether you use items or characters.

If you use items, the cost is:

Rarity Limit break cost Total cost if you limit break with items 5 times
SSR 21000 105000
SR 14000 70000
HR 7800 39000
R 4800 24000
HN 2200 11000
N 400 2000

If you use characters, the cost is:

Rarity 1st time cost 2nd time cost 3rd time cost 4th time cost Total
SSR 21000 42000 63000 84000 210000
SR 14000 28000 42000 56000 140000
HR 7800 15600 23400 31200 78000
R 4800 9600 14400 19200 48000
HN 2200 4400 6600 8800 22000
N 400 800 1200 1600 4000

Items required[]

If you want to limit break with items, you need the following items:

Rarity Items 1 Items 2 Items 3
SSR 50 Silver Battle Logs 20 Gold Battle Logs 1 Gold Medal
SR 30 Silver Battle Logs 5 Gold Battle Logs 5 Silver Medals
HR 20 Bronze Battle Logs 5 Silver Battle Logs 1 Silver Medal
R 10 Bronze Battle Logs 5 Silver Battle Logs 10 Bronze Medals
HN 5 Bronze Battle Logs 5 Bronze Battle Logs Nothing
N 5 Bronze Battle Logs Nothing Nothing



To sell characters, click on the fourth tab of the character screen (white box 15 "Sell"). Then click on up to 10 characters you want to sell. You should see something like:

  • The characters you have selected to sell are blue. You cannot choose either lock characters or characters in squadron.
  • The button to confirm is the big red button at the bottom-right.
  • Above this button you can see how much gold you will get from selling the selected characters.

Once sure, click on the red button to sell your characters for gold.


The amount of gold you will receive depends of the number of characters and the rarity of each character. The gain for one character of rarity X is:

Rarity Gain
SSR WTH? You want to sell SSR card!!!!!!!
SR 10000 BUT selling SR is madness
HR 2500, you must have way too many characters
R 500
HN 250
N 200

How to increase the maximum number of characters[]

From the character screen, click on the "+" near the white circle 1. You can then use an item that you can buy with money to increase the maximum limit of characters. At the left you can see the number of characters you have and the maximum number of characters you can have. Note that if you get a new character through a quest or the lottery, and your number of characters is equal or higher to your limit, the new character will be sent to your gift box. From there you have 30 days to get it back before it disappears forever.


Affection varies between 0% and 500%. You can increase affection by playing quests with the character. When you have a new character, their affection will be 0% and by playing quests, you can increase it to 100%. To increase it to 200, 300, 400, 500%, you need to limit break the character 1,2,3,4 times.

The affection points required to reach 500% depend on the rarity of the character. The higher the rarity, the longer it takes. For a N rarity character, the affection points necessary are as follow:

Rarity 100% 200% 300% 400% 500% Total
N 500 500 600 1000 1700 4300

If you click on the pink button on the character information panel that you can see on the character screen, you will see the rewards you will get it you increase the affection. The reward depends of the rarity of the characters.

Rarity 100% 200% 300% 400% 500%
SSR 3 Gold Xp Boost Items 50,000 gold 10 Silver Medals 10 Gold Battle Logs 5 G-crystals
SR 1 Gold Xp Boost Item 30,000 gold 5 Silver Medals 5 Gold Battle Logs 3 G-crystals
HR 2 Silver Xp Boost Item 10,000 gold 3 Silver Medals 5 Silver Battle Logs 1 G-crystals
R 1 Silver Xp Boost Item 5,000 gold 2 Silver Medals 3 Silver Battle Logs 1 G-crystals
HN 1 Bronze Xp Boost Item 3,000 gold 1 Silver Medals 1 Silver Battle Logs 1 G-crystals
N 1 Bronze Xp Boost Item 1,000 gold 1 Silver Medals 1 Silver Battle Logs 1 G-crystals

Because of the relative low amount of affection points needed to raise affection of N rarity character from 0% to 500%, farming and raising affection of N rarity characters is one of the most effective way to get G-crystals.
